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Administrator Password Reset

If an administrator password has been lost or forgotten, another administrator can still login to certdog and reset the password

However, if no administrators are able to login then their password may be reset by following the instructions below


This process requires access to the host machine where the database is running

You must also have the database administrator password. This is the password that would have been set during the installation step Database User Admin Account Setup. The username for this account is certmanadmin

If you have also lost this password and you have a support agreement in place, contact support


For Microsoft Windows Deployments

Create the hashed password by navigating to:

[certdog install]\install\bin

Run the following command, where [password] is the new password to be set for the account:

java -jar SetDatabasePassword-1.0.jar h [password]

This will output the hashed version of the password:


Copy this value e.g. copy and paste into a text document for the time being, as we will need it in the steps below

Next, navigate to:

[certdog install]\mongodb\bin

And start the database shell by typing:

.\mongo.exe -tls

Note: For the free version the -tls may not be required

If this fails, try running the following:

.\mongo.exe -tls -tlsAllowInvalidCertificates

For Linux Deployments



In the following steps. use the following hashed password:


All Deployments

Authenticate against the admin database:

use admin

Enter the password for the certmanadmin user

Next, we change to the certman database and locate the account we want to reset the password for. In the example below we are searching for the user whose username is admin

use certman

You can skip this step - but this will confirm the account is present

Now we will update the password for this user by providing the hashed password from above in the following command:

db.users.updateOne({username:"admin"}, {$set:{ enabled:true, nextAllowedLogonTime:NumberLong("0"), password:"$2a$10$rPSQZhmM2wlTA6Ke29I85e14Q7GgXDX8iq2DNoDLI2GcqsbwcITVq"}})

Exit from the shell by typing exit

You should now be able to login using the new password

For Linux deployments, login with a password of password and immediately change via the UI

Complete Output

Windows Deployments

C:\certdog\install\bin>java -jar SetDatabasePassword-1.0.jar h Password1234!!

C:\certdog\install\bin>cd ..\..\mongodb\bin

MongoDB shell version v4.4.1
connecting to: mongodb://
Implicit session: session { "id" : UUID("efc2c2a9-7cc8-47af-9fd9-343921ecf7ce") }
MongoDB server version: 4.4.1

replocal:PRIMARY> use admin
switched to db admin

replocal:PRIMARY> db.auth("certmanadmin")
Enter password:

replocal:PRIMARY> use certman
switched to db certman

replocal:PRIMARY> db.users.find({username:"admin"})

    _id: ObjectId('664767e1c9fc372734a26a13'),
    email: '',
    username: 'admin',
    password: '$2a$10$KPF5U6zb.eYBo.6enTaT2ODg10r5ISnTdWmeidgVa0eG4EjGV/6wW',
    group: 'ADMIN',
    enabled: true,
    teamsIds: [ '664767e1c9fc372734a26a14' ],
    numFailedLoginAttempts: 0,
    nextAllowedLogonTime: Long('0'),
    accountType: 0,
    lastLoginTime: ISODate('2024-05-23T16:20:13.397Z'),
    lastLoginIpAddress: '',
    mustChangePassword: false,
    _class: 'com.krestfield.pki.certman.model.users.CertManUser'

replocal:PRIMARY> db.users.updateOne({username:"admin"}, {$set:{ enabled:true, nextAllowedLogonTime:NumberLong("0"), password:"$2a$10$qWAWK96LjEXsftZDsQ4DdOXe3deZNfsV645OuyI2utC7d01UId6nC"}})

  acknowledged: true,
  insertedId: null,
  matchedCount: 1,
  modifiedCount: 0,
  upsertedCount: 0

replocal:PRIMARY> exit

Linux Deployments

krestfield@debian $ mongosh
Current Mongosh Log ID:	6650531891ea0a0fdea26a12
Connecting to:		mongodb://
Using MongoDB:		7.0.9
Using Mongosh:		2.2.6

For mongosh info see:

test> use admin
switched to db admin

admin> db.auth("certmanadmin")
Enter password
********************{ ok: 1 }

admin> use certman
switched to db certman

certman> db.users.find({username:"admin"})

    _id: ObjectId('664767e1c9fc372734a26a13'),
    email: '',
    username: 'admin',
    password: '$2a$10$KPF5U6zb.eYBo.6enTaT2ODg10r5ISnTdWmeidgVa0eG4EjGV/6wW',
    group: 'ADMIN',
    enabled: true,
    teamsIds: [ '664767e1c9fc372734a26a14' ],
    numFailedLoginAttempts: 0,
    nextAllowedLogonTime: Long('0'),
    accountType: 0,
    lastLoginTime: ISODate('2024-05-23T16:20:13.397Z'),
    lastLoginIpAddress: '',
    mustChangePassword: false,
    _class: 'com.krestfield.pki.certman.model.users.CertManUser'

certman> db.users.updateOne({username:"admin"}, {$set:{enabled:true, nextAllowedLogonTime:NumberLong("0"), password:"$2a$10$rPSQZhmM2wlTA6Ke29I85e14Q7GgXDX8iq2DNoDLI2GcqsbwcITVq"}})

  acknowledged: true,
  insertedId: null,
  matchedCount: 1,
  modifiedCount: 0,
  upsertedCount: 0

certman> exit