EzSign Sample Server Properties
The simplest configuration you could get started with is as follows:
(Setting the values to those required)
Before the server could run with these properties you would first need to configure the passwords. To do this you run the ezsign-manage
script and choose option 1. Set Passwords
This will result in the properties file being updated as follows:
I.e. the encrypted password has been added
At this point the server can be started. Although, to be of any real use you would need import your certificates and generate CSR’s for any signing certificates etc.
Further details of the available properties can be found in the sample below. For more details on each of the options, refer to the guide here
# Server Control
# These settings define how the server will listen to control messages
# such as pause server, restart server, get server status etc.
# The IP Address that the control listener will bind to
# A comma seperated list of IP addresses that the control server
# will permit to send control messages
# Set this to local host ( to ensure that only the same server can
# send control messages
# The port the control server will listen on
# Server
# These settings define how the server listens to API messages sent from
# the client
# The client must send messages to the port and IP address defined here
# The port the server will listen on
# Ensure this is not the same as the control server above
# The IP Address that the server listener will bind to
# If this is commented out/missing the server will bind to all interfaces
# A comma seperated list of IP addresses that the server
# will permit to send messages
# Set this to local host ( to ensure that only the same server can
# send messages
# If omitted any client can send messages
# The pool size that will be created at start up and used to process requests
# If omitted, defaults to 1
# The maximum time (milliseconds) to wait for a thread to become free
# If all instances in the thread pool are busy the server will wait this
# number of milliseconds before returning an error
# The maximum time (milliseconds) to wait for a message to be received following
# connection
# Increase if there are issues connecting under load
# Whether to log all received and returned messages
# If encrypting sensitive data, set this to false to prevent cleartext being
# sent to the log file
# Key Store Location
# This is where all of the keys and certificates (either encrypted files
# or references to objects residing on HSMs) will be stored
# A folder per channel is created beneath this location e.g.
# if keyStoreDir=/var/keystore and you configure channel1 and channel2
# folders /var/keystore/channel1 and /var/keystore/channel2 will
# be created
# Logging settings
# Note: Changes to log filenames, rollover frequency and size etc. can be
# made by editing the log4J2.xml file located in the EzSignServer/logconf
# directory
# Set the logging level. The range is from 0 to 4 as follows:
# 0 : Logging is off
# 1 : Only error messages will be logged
# 2 : Errors and Warning messages will be logged
# 3 : Errors, Warnings and Events will be logged
# 4 : This is the debug level - all messages as well as low level events will be logged
# Channel settings
# Channels are configured here
# The format shall be:
# channel.1.property1
# channel.1.property2
# ...
# channel.2.property1
# channel.2.property2
# etc.
# The channel name. Do not include spaces in the name
# A folder will be created beneath keyStoreDir with this name
# Whether the channel is enabled or disabled
# If disabled it will not be loaded and cannot be used
# The channel type - can be PKI or SYM
# PKI channels can sign and verify, SYM channels can encrypt and decrypt
# If the channel is type=SYM the default key label can be specified here
# If no channel name is passed
# The token type - can be SOFTWARE, PKCS11, HSM9000 or GOOGLEKMS
# If PKCS11 the pkcs11.library and pkcs11.slot settings must also be specified
# If HSM9000 the hsm9000.port, hsm9000.ipAddress, hsm9000.timeoutMs
# and hsm9000.headerLen settings must also be specified
# If tokenType=PKCS11 the following properties must be set
# The path to the PKCS#11 library:
# The slot number:
# If tokenType=GOOGLEKMS the following properties must be set
# The ID of the project as created in Google Cloud
# The location of the key ring
# The name of the key ring
# if importing keys under a version other than 1, set the version to import
# If tokenType=HSM9000 the following properties must be set
# The HSM IP Address:
# The HSM listening port:
# The timeout to use when connecting to the HSM:
# The command header length:
# Whether to use a Variant or KeyBlock LMK:
# The ID of the LMK to use:
# The token password required for all token types
# This must be set by running the ezsign-manange script
# If tokenType=SOFTWARE this is used to encrypt the keys and certificates only
# If tokenType=PKCS11 this is the PIN or Passphrase, for nCipher devices this will be
# the operator smartcard passphrase
# If tokenType=HSM9000 this is used to re-encrypt the keys and certificates
# The signature key algorithm
# RSA – RSA algorithm
# ECDSA – Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm
# The signature key size (if algorithm ia RSA)
# The signature key named curve (if algorithm ia ECDSA)
# The hash that will be used to sign the data
# SHA1, SHA256, SHA512, SHA3-256 etc
# What certificates to include in the produced signature
# ALL - All certificates including the root
# SIGNERONLY - Only the signer certificate
# ALLEXCEPTROOT - All certificates in the path except the root
# If true, signed attributes containing signing time, content type
# and message digest will be included in the signature
# Whether to include the content within the signature or not
# The key which will be used to generate the signature
# This can be set by running the ezsign-manange script
# To override the default path checker with a custom version, specify the
# path checker class here. This must be in the classpath
# If true, the signature being verified must include signed attributes
# otherwise it will be rejected
# If true, the signature being verified must have been generated with
# a strong hash or be rejected
# i.e. SHA-2 range and above i.e. MD5 and SHA-1 will be rejected
# If true, the certificates being verified must have been generated with
# a strong hash or be rejected
# i.e. SHA-2 range and above i.e. MD5 and SHA-1 will be rejected
# If true, none of the usual certificate extension checks will be
# performed on the root certificate (including, key usage, basic
# constraints or key size)
# Defaults to false
# If true, none of the usual certificate extension checks will be
# performed including, key usage, basic constraints or key size
# Defaults to false
# If true, a signer certificate must have the non-repudiation
# key usage set
# Defaults to true
# If true, a CA certificate must have basic constraints CA extension
# Defaults to true
# Sets the minimum permitted key size for all certificates in the chain
# Defaults to 1024
# Sets the maximum permitted key size for all certificates in the chain
# Defaults to 8192
# Whether to permit expired certificates
# This MUST only be set to true in extreme circumstances (such as to
# maintain a live service) where other checks can be performed that
# ensure the certificate would otherwise still be valid
# If allow ExpiredCerts=true then the number of days permitted
# to all an expired certificate for e.g. if set to 5 a certificate
# will be permitted for 5 days after it has expired
# The revocation checker type
# This can be:
# NONE - No revocation checking will be performed
# CRL - CRLs will be used to check revocation
# OCSP - OCSP will be used to check revocation
# If revocationChecker.type=OCSP then this determines whether the
# default URL (which must be specified) will always be used or,
# if false, the certificate's AIA extensions will be used to extract
# the OCSP URL
# If useDefaultUrl is true the default URL must be specified here
# If true, the OCSP request will also be signed with the signing
# key specified
# The signing key used to sign the OCSP requests if signReques=true
# This can be set by running the ezsign-manange script
# The hash used in the OCSP request signature generation
# Used when signRequest=true. Can be SHA1, SHA256, SHA512 etc
# Whether to check the key usage on the certificate used to sign the
# OCSP response.
# If true, the certificate's extended key usage will be checked for the
# ocsp-signing attribute
# Revocation checking will fail if the time the OCSP was generated
# (indicated in the producedAt field) is more than this number of
# minutes in the past i.e. this is the maximum lifetime allowed
# for an OCSP response
# If ommitted this will not be checked
# If true, when sending an OCSP request, if SSL/TLS
# is used and the SSL certificate is not specifically trusted, setting
# this to true will still permit the connection
# Enable or disable OCSP response caching
# Default is false
# If enableCache is true, this is the maximum time to cache an OCSP response
# in seconds
# Default is 120
# If true, only OCSP responses for CA certs will be cached
# i.e. end entities will always be checked
# Default is true
# Whether to send OCSP requests via a proxy
# If true the other proxy settings are required
# If useProxy=true, this specifies the proxy server address
# If useProxy=true, this specifies the proxy server port
# If useProxy=true and the server requires authentication set this to true
# and specify the username and password below
# If proxyAuthRequired=true set the username here
# If proxyAuthRequired=true set the password here
# If revocationChecker.type=CRL then the following properties are required
# The location to which CRL files will be downloaded and stored:
# Whether to force the download of the CRL for each request:
# Whether to allow expired CRLs or not
# Note: This MUST only be used in extreme circumstances e.g. a live service outage
# as a revoked certificate may be accepted
# If allowExpiredCrl=true then the number of days expiry that will be permitted
# If true, when downloading a CRL, if SSL/TLS
# is used and the SSL certificate is not specifically trusted, setting
# this to true will still permit the connection
# Whether to send CRL download requests via a proxy
# If true the other proxy settings are required
# If useProxy=true, this specifies the proxy server address
# If useProxy=true, this specifies the proxy server port
# If useProxy=true and the server requires authentication set this to true
# and specify the username and password below
# If proxyAuthRequired=true set the username here
# If proxyAuthRequired=true set the password here