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Retarget ADCS nCipher Keys to Certdog Format (PKCS#11)

If your microsoft CA is using a SafeNet nCipher HSM to store its keys. These keys can be migrated to the format supported by certdog, ready for import

With nCipher HSMs keys are separated by interface, such that those generated using CAPI/CNG are only available to that interface. Certdog uses the PKCS#11 interface so

Essentially, the key is migrated from a the Microsoft application (mscapi/caping) to the pkcs11 application type, thus allowing the PKCS#11 interface (which certdog uses) to make use of the keys

Obtain the CA cert e.g. ca.cer

Open a command prompt as Administrator and navigate to

C:\Program Files (x86)\nCipher\nfast\bin>

From the prompt run:

nfkminfo -k


C:\Program Files (x86)\nCipher\nfast\bin>nfkminfo -k

Key list - 27 keys
 AppName caping               Ident machine--d085239508f9d1890989497b38aef757494cf329
 AppName mscapi               Ident container-2c0afb5fd62d214dad1028bc6dfae81317d1b201
 AppName pkcs11               Ident uac2dca1b681e776095cd902c81fb8d1ec4cd9b5c6
 AppName pkcs11               Ident uc7c99e43e627c3a62933bc1c16f559db862978952-06c70f2b0fa50c3799809248ffd5fcf9a740b169

This displays the keys currently held on the HSM

The AppName specifies what interface was used to create the keys. In the example above we see caping, mscapi and pkcs11

ADCS keys are created using the caping application

To find the actual keys that are associated with the CA certificate we use the nCipher command:

pub key-find.exe

passing it the CA certificate. It will then use the public key from the certificate to locate the keys held on the HSM


C:\Program Files (x86)\nCipher\nfast\bin>pubkey-find.exe c:\ca.cer
 input format cert
 nCore hash 6556fd4afee4c4db9c6d60e901b107bb34a8c82a

 name `Krestfield Root CA'
 appname caping
 ident machine--d085239508f9d1890989497b38aef757494cf329

We can see that a key has been located, called:

ident machine--d085239508f9d1890989497b38aef757494cf329

Which you will see matches an item in the list when we ran nfkminfo above

We now need to retarget this key so it is accessible via the pkcs11 interface, which is the interface Certdog uses. We will use the generate key.exe --retarget pkcs11 command to create a copy of the key which will then be accessible via pkcs11:

C:\Program Files (x86)\nCipher\nfast\bin>generatekey.exe --retarget pkcs11
from-application: Source application? (caping, mscapi, pkcs11) [caping]

For from-application enter caping

> caping

We will now asked what caping key we wish to migrate. Note that if there is only one key that matches this application (which is often the case with a CA), it will be set as the default

from-ident: Source key identifier?
  [default machine--d085239508f9d1890989497b38aef757494cf329]

Just hit enter to accept the default. Otherwise enter the ident of the key we located when we ran pubkey-find.exe above (in the form: machine--d085239508f9d1890989497b38aef757494cf329)

Next we need to give the new key a name. This is the name Certdog will reference the key by in its configuration when we import it. So ensure that this is a unique name (e.g. you could add the time and/or date to the key name such as 20220814_krestfield_root_ca):

plainname: Key name? [] > 20220814_krestfield_root_ca
key generation parameters:
 operation         Operation to perform     retarget
 application       Application              pkcs11
 slot              Slot to read cards from  0
 verify            Verify security of key   yes
 from-application  Source application       caping
 from-ident        Source key identifier    machine--d085239508f9d1890989497b38aef757494cf329
 plainname         Key name                 20220814_krestfield_root_ca

A summary (as above) is displayed and you may then be prompted to enter your HSM passphrase (e.g. the operator smart card passphrase), depending on your HSM setup:

Loading `caocs':
 Module 1: 0 cards of 1 read
 Module 1 slot 0: `caocs' #2
 Module 1 slot 0:- passphrase supplied - reading card
Card reading complete.

The key will be retargeted and the new filename will be displayed:

Key successfully retargetted.
Path to key: C:\ProgramData\nCipher\Key Management Data\local\key_pkcs11_uc7c99e43e627c3a62933bc1c16f559db862978952-17af2072c8e48350d68ec693fa10f0700d7523d6

This key can now be imported into Certdog