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Get the Docker Image

Take a look here on the docker hub:

Or just grab the image:

docker pull krestfield/certdog

Start the image:

docker run -d -p 443:443 --name certdog krestfield/certdog

And when running, open a browser and navigate to:

Making sure you don’t have any other instances of IIS, Apache or Tomcat listening on port 443

Login with username: admin password: password

Issue a Certificate

The image comes pre-configured with a Local CA and profiles for TLS and Code Signing - more can be easily added

From the menu, choose Request > DN Request


Enter a value for the DN and enter a password (the issuer and CSR generator fields should be pre-populated for now). If you want to add any SANs (Subject Alternative Names, click the drop down and add). Then click Request Certificate


Click Download PKCS12 and save the file. Then click More to view further details about the certificate

Browse the other documentation to set up more CAs, add users etc. Remember all operations can also be carried out via the REST API for scripting common tasks