Certdog Quick Windows Installation
From version: 1.8.0
See here for download locations and instructions
See here for the demo installation (which will install with a single command using default values for the admin user)
Open a PowerShell window as Administrator and navigate to the installation directory, e.g.:
cd c:\certdog\install\
Set up your initial usernames and passwords:
Note, to enter the passwords in a secure way, you may obtain the admin credentials as follows:
Enter the admin username and password. Then run the following to set the $adminUsername
and $adminPassword
$adminUsername = $adminUser.UserName
$adminPassword = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($adminUser.Password))
Run the installation as follows:
.\install.ps1 `
-acceptEula `
-dbAdminPassword $dbPassword `
-firstAdminUsername $adminUsername `
-firstAdminEmail $adminEmail `
-firstAdminPassword $adminPassword `
-listeningIpAddress `
-listeningPort 443 `