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Certdog Debian Installation


  • A Debian 11 or 12 installation. Note other versions may work but this version is confirmed

  • An account with sudo/root permissions

  • The ability to install mongodb community edition

It is recommended that a separate, dedicated user be created which will run the certdog application, although it can be run under an existing account

Install Mongo DB

Follow the instructions linked below to download and install Mongo DB Community Edition. The Debian installation has been tested and confirmed to work with MongoDB Community Edition 5, 6 and 7.

Confirm mongo DB is running by typing:


and ensure you connect and get the mongo db prompt. Type exit, to exit the prompt

If there issues starting mongodb, see here:

This mentions setting the correct permissions. E.g.

sudo chown -R mongodb:mongodb /var/lib/mongodb
sudo chown mongodb:mongodb /tmp/mongodb-27017.sock

Get Certdog

  1. Download Certdog from here

    File Hash:

    • SHA1: f53ebee154080b55c7939d3f90fff77c917ee6d4


curl --output certdog.tar.gz


Extract the installation e.g.

tar xvf ./certdog.tar.gz

This will extract all files into ./certdog

Navigate to:


and run:


The installation will start and will take a few minutes to complete:

Configuring Certdog...please wait...

Configuration is complete

If you see any errors or things do not seem to be working, first examine the install log:


Other logs, including the mongodb, application (certdog.log) and startup/shutdown logs are stored here:


If all is good you can navigate to the console from the same machine at:

  • The main certdog application listens on port 1443 (on all interfaces)
  • The CRL (and OCSP) server listens on port 1480 (http)

To enable access from an external server over the standard ports (443 and 80) you must configure routes. For example:

sudo iptables -A PREROUTING -t nat -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 443 -j REDIRECT --to-port 1443
sudo iptables -A PREROUTING -t nat -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 1480
sudo iptables-save

This will redirect incoming traffic on port 443 to the internal 1443 port and port 80 to the internal 1480 port

Note: If the iptables command is not available, you can install using sudo apt-get install iptables

You may need to open firewall rules to allow ports 80 and 443, e.g.

sudo iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables-save

To confirm that the application is listening on ports 1443 and 1480, you may use

netstat -tuplen

(Use: sudo apt install net-tools if netstat is not available)

Which should show something like the following:

Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State       User       Inode      PID/Program name
tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      108        146542     -
tcp6       0      0 :::1443                 :::*                    LISTEN      1004       139335     -

Which indicates port 1443 is listening in all interfaces

Note that on Debian, iptables may not be persisted at reboots. After running the above commands you can persist the changes across reboots by installing the iptables-persistent package, as follows:

apt-get install iptables-persistent

If you need to make changes, first uninstall the package:

sudo apt-get remove iptables-persistent
sudo apt-get purge iptables-persistent

Then make the iptables updates and re-install

Enable any other firewall rules that may be in place to allow ports 80 and 443 to the server e.g. in Azure Networking or AWS Security Groups

Post Install

Open a browser and navigate to:

If on the local machine:

From a remote machine (if you have routed 443 to 1443 as mentioned above):

https://[Server Name or IP]

You will observe a browser SSL error which is due to the initial default SSL certificate. See here to reconfigure the SSL certificate for your server. For now you may bypass the warning

Login with the initial username and password as displayed at the end of the installer. These are temporary credentials - as soon as you first login with these details you will be forced to set a new password


In this folder:


There are two scripts:


You may examine these scripts, or configure such that the application starts on boot following standard processes for your OS

To start and stop the mongo database you may use the following commands:

sudo systemctl start mongod
sudo systemctl stop mongod

Start on Boot

To start the mongo database on boot, run the following command:

sudo systemctl enable mongod

To start certdog on boot, run the following command to start the crontab editor:

crontab -e

Then enter the following line (after the comments and any other cron entries):

@reboot /home/certdoguser/certdog/bin/

(replace the /home/certdoguser location with wherever your installation resides)


Examine the log files as mentioned above to see if anything obvious appears

Attempt to stop and start certdog using the ./ and scripts

Try restarting the database then restarting certdog

To attempt a re-install, perform the following:

Remove the created database and user from mongodb:

Start the mongo shell:


Then enter the following commands:

use certman
show users

Remove the files created within the install:

cd ./certdog/config
rm -f
rm -f ./pwd/*

Ensure no rogue processes are running, such as java:

ps -ef | grep "certdog/java"

And for each entry, kill the process, forcibly:

kill -9 [Process ID]

Then re-run the ./ script

Full Certdog Documentation can be found here: