Create a PFX
Whilst Certdog allows for certificates to be provisioned as PFX files (as well as JKS and PEM). There are occasions when you need to generate a PFX file using standard Microsoft tooling
In this example, we will generate a CSR (marking it as exportable), submit the request and obtain the certificate, then export as a PFX
Create the INF File
Create a .inf file as follows:
Signature="$Windows NT$"
Subject=", O=Comp Ltd, C=GB"
ProviderName="Microsoft RSA SChannel Cryptographic Provider"
[Extensions] = "{text}"
_continue_ = ""
_continue_ = ""
_continue_ = ""
The key items to edit here are:
- Enter your required DN
- This marks the key that will be generated as part of the request, as exportable. Meaning we can export it as a PFX later
- The keys will be stored in the Local Machine store. Certificates that are used by web servers or services will require the keys to be stored here. But this doesn’t really matter if your intention is to export the PFX for use elsewhere
- The hash algorithm e.g. sha256, sha512 etc.
- The key length in bits
KeyUsage (Optional)
- The key usages ORd together. Available values are:
- The key usages ORd together. Available values are:
Extensions (Optional)
- Here you can specify extensions. In the example above we specify the
extension which refers to Subject Alternative Names - Specify the required SANS. Available options for SANs are:
- DirectoryName
- IPAddress
- RegisteredId
- Here you can specify extensions. In the example above we specify the
CertificateTemplate (Optional)
If submitting to a Microsoft CA you may also specify the template name here
Note the name is the template name (doesn’t include spaces) rather than the template display name (which allows spaces)
You can specify the template when submitting to the CA later as well
Update as required and save the .inf file
Generate the CSR
Open a command prompt as Admin, navigate to where you saved the .inf file (e.g. request.inf) and type
certreq -new request.inf cert.csr
The request will be generated and saved to cert.csr
Submit the CSR for Processing
Follow normal processes to obtain a certificate from your CSR. If you have privileges to issue from a Microsoft CA, you may simply be able to run the following command:
certreq cert.csr
If you didn’t specify a template in the .inf file, you can do so now, as follows:
certreq -attrib "CertificateTemplate:SubCA" cert.csr
You will be prompted to choose the CA to send the request to
The certificate will be issued. Download this to the same location as the .inf file. E.g. cert.cer
Import the Certificate
We now import the issued certificate into the Windows store. If all is correct this will match up with the keys we generated when the CSR was created
Run the following
certreq -accept cert.cer
You may see output such as:
Installed Certificate:
Serial Number: 450eaefcca0e939a7dff86039c8f5e4e
Subject:, O=Comp Ltd, C=GB
NotBefore: 16/11/2021 16:09
NotAfter: 16/11/2022 16:09
Thumbprint: d11475aed31aa89f17d5720d311e0a3afaa68853
But in some cases no output is observed. As long as no errors are received, things should be OK
Export as a PFX
You can now either open up mmc.exe
, locate the issued certificate in the machine store and export
Or you can use PowerShell:
First, we need to get the certificate we imported. You can use the subject name to locate this:
$certificate = Get-ChildItem -Path Cert:\LocalMachine\My\ | Where-Object {$_.Subject -match ""}
Which should work OK if that’s the only certificate you have with that name
Otherwise, we can also specify the Thumbprint - this was displayed when we accepted the certificate above:
$certificate = Get-ChildItem -Path Cert:\LocalMachine\My\ | Where-Object {$_.Thumbprint -match "d11475aed31aa89f17d5720d311e0a3afaa68853"}
Then, we set the password we will export the PFX under:
$password="strongpassword" | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force
And then export the certificate and keys as a PFX to a file:
Export-PfxCertificate -Cert $certificate -FilePath cert.pfx -Password $password
More info on certreq can be found here for more info
Using Certdog
Of course. This can all be performed with Certdog in a few clicks or a couple of REST API or PowerShell calls
E.g. The equivalent PowerShell to obtain the same from Certdog is:
login -username user -password $pass
$resp = Request-Cert -dn ", O=Comp Ltd, C=GB" -caName "Certdog TLS Issuer" -csrGeneratorName "RSA2048" -subjectAltNames @('','','') -teamName "My Team" -p12Password 'strongpassword'
Set-Content -Path cert.pfx -Value $resp.p12Data
…and that is all you need to do…
See here for issuing certs via the UI